Thursday, May 31, 2012

Citrix XenApp 4.5 List Of Services

Citrix XenApp 4.5 List Of Services (

Citrix ActiveSync Service
Citrix ADF Installer Service
Citrix Client Network
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt
Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server
Citrix Encryption Service
Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery
Citrix Independent Management Architecture
Citrix License Management Console
Citrix Licensing WMI
Citrix MFCOM Service
Citrix Print Manager Service
Citrix Resource Manager Mail
Citrix Services Manager
Citrix SMA Service
Citrix Streaming Service
Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization
Citrix WMI Service
Citrix XTE Server
Related executables
wfshell.exe                        wfshell shell                                                                                      
ssonsvr.exe                       Program Neighborhood                                                                               
SemsService.exe               SEMS Service                                                                                    
mfcom.exe                        MetaFrame COM Server                                                                             
ImaSrv.exe                        IMA Service                                                                                       
IMAAdvanceSrv.exe         IMA Secure Service                                                                        
icabar.exe                         Citrix Systems Toolbar                                                                  
encsvc.exe                         Encryption Service Utility                                                             
ctxxmlss.exe                      Citrix MetaFrame XML Service                                                  
ctxwmisvc.exe                   Citrix WMI Service                                                                          
ctxactivesync.exe               Citrix MetaFrame ActiveSync Service                                     
CpSvc.exe                         Printer Management Service                                                     
cdmsvc.exe                        Client Mapping Service                                                                 
CdfSvc.exe                        Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server                                       
rscorsvc.exe                       Core Agent Service                                                                        
HCAService.exe                 HCA Service                                                                                       
SmaService.exe                   SmaService                                                        
--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
Citrix ActiveSync Service : Supports ActiveSync in ICA sessions
Citrix ADF Installer Service (ADF Installer Service): Used by Installation Manager in Enterprise and Platinum versions to install packages onto Presentation Servers
Citrix Client Network (Client Network): Handles the mapping of client drives and peripherals within ICA sessions
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/CPU Rebalancer (requires multiple CPUs): Enhances resource management across multiple CPUs
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/Resource Mgmt: Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to manage resource consumption
Citrix CPU Utilization Mgmt/User-Session Sync (4.0 only): Used in Enterprise version to synchronize user IDs of processes with their respective owner
Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Server (Diagnostic Facility COM Server): Manages Diagnostic Facility tracing when used to diagnose problems with the Citrix Server
Citrix Encryption Service (Encryption Service): Handles encryption between the client device and the Citrix Server
Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery (4.5 only): Provides health monitoring and recovery services in the event problems occur
Citrix Independent Management Architecture: Provides management services within the Citrix farm
Citrix License Management Console (License server only): Provides the web-based interface for licensing administration
Citrix Licensing WMI (License server only): Provides information and notification regarding licensing events on the license server
Citrix MFCOM Service (MetaFrame COM Server): Provides COM services which allow remote connections of the management consoles
Citrix Print Manager Service: Handles the creation of printers and driver usage within Citrix sessions
Citrix Resource Manager Mail (Resource Manager Mail): Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to send email alerts when thresholds in the server farm have been exceeded
Citrix Services Manager (4.5 only): Allows the components of Presentation Server to interface with the operating system
Citrix SMA Service: Monitors the event log and Citrix WMI to raise alerts in the Access Suite Console (4.0) or Access Management Console (4.5)
Citrix Streaming Service (4.5 only): Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to manage the Citrix Streaming Client when streaming applications
Citrix Virtual Memory Optimization: Used in Enterprise and Platinum versions to rebase .dlls in order to free up server memory
Citrix WMI Service: Used to provide the Citrix WMI classes for information and management purposes
Citrix XTE Server: Handles SSL Relay and Session Reliability functionality
CitrixLicensing (License server only): Handles allocation of licenses on the license server

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Application Streaming..

Topics Discussed:

This white paper provides you with details about profiling and Citrix Streaming Profiler internals for Citrix Presentation Server 4.5. It is one of a series of white papers designed to provide you with more detailed information beyond the scope of the
The profiler is an independent application that enables you to prepare commercial or custom Microsoft Windows applications, Web applications, browser plug-ins, files, folders, and registry settings streamed to your users’ workstations. Resources you prepare with the profiler are called
You create a profile by installing applications or other resources on an independent computer running the profiler. The profiler bundles files and configuration settings that the client accesses to stream to end-user desktops, or laptops, or stream to end point. After you create a profile, you make it available for publishing by saving it to a network file share.
This section includes the basic steps for installing the streaming profiler and profiling a simple application for streaming.

Installing the Profiler
For best results in creating streamed application profiles and avoiding issues after deployment, follow the recommendations in this section.
Tips for preparing a workstation
Start with a workstation that has only the Windows operating system and service packs of your end-users (ensure it is clean of other software applications). the same as or older than your target client configurations. Client configurations older than the operating system of the profiling workstation might not successfully run profiled applications. For example:
To install the Citrix Streaming Profiler
1. On the
2. Select
3. Select
Components CD, double-click Autorun.exe to start the installation wizard. Product installations and updates. Install Citrix Streaming Profiler for Windows.
You use the Citrix Streaming Profiler to profile applications that your users’ clients stream to their desktops. Using the profiler, you can create several targets within an application profile that can match a variety of your client devices. In this way, you can create a single profile that can accommodate a variety of user environments. You can also use the profiler to update applications in the profile and provide other resources that you find your users need.
The profiler includes a wizard to create streaming application profiles. This section includes the basic steps in using the wizard. For more information about using the wizard and other options in the profiler, see the Administrator’s Guide.
To start the profiler, from the
Start menu, choose Programs > Citrix > Streaming Profiler > Streaming Profiler.
To create a new profile and the initial user configuration (target)
1. The profiler opens with the
2. On the
3. On the
4. On the
a. To support other operating systems and languages, select the check boxes associated with those you want to support. When selecting target operating systems and languages, do not select those languages for which you are going to create separate targets.
b. If you want the client to consider the service pack level, click

Welcome page. To create a profile, click New Profile. Alternatively, when the profiler is already open, from the File menu, choose New. Name Profile page, enter a simple name. Do not include any criteria the client uses to identify targets. For example, do not include a version number in the profile name. Set User Profile Security page, select the level of user profile security you want for the profile. Use the option buttons to select between the following: Enhanced security. Does not permit any executable files to run other than those included in the target. For example, if the client is running an Internet Explorer plug-in included in the target, the enhanced security setting prevents the client from running any other plug-ins that the user might download. Relaxed security. Permits executable files to run that are accessed through the profiled resource. Set Target Operating System and Language page, select the client configurations that can access the application you are installing. You must select at least one target operating system and language. Setting the target and operating system and language criteria are the first steps in creating the initial target for a profile. The default operating system and language are those of the operating system installed on your profiling workstation. Set Service Pack. By default, a target matches all service packs of the operating systems it supports. When selecting the service pack supported by the target, use the Supported Service Pack Levels pull-down menu to choose a rule for considering the service pack level. Type the number representing the service pack level in the applicable field for Minimum Level, Maximum Level, Exact Level; or, if for a range, Minimum Level and Maximum Level.
: For subsequent targets, you can ensure the current target you are adding does not conflict with other targets in the profile by clicking Check for Conflicts. Select Install Option page, choose an installation option. You choose an installation option according to the type of resource or number of resources you want to install into a target. Quick Install (selected by default). Use this option if the application you are installing has an installation program, such as setup.exe (recommended for normal installations). Advanced Install. Use this option if you are installing Internet Explorer plug-ins, editing registry settings, installing an application manually, or installing from multiple installers. Advanced install provides the opportunity to repeat the installation procedure as many times as you need, so you can add a variety of multiple resources to a target. For instructions about using Advanced Install, see the Administrator’s Guide. Quick Install selected, continue with the remaining steps. Choose Installer page, locate the application’s installation program. Click Browse to locate the executable file or a script you run to install the application into the current target. In this step, you are only choosing the installer, not running it. If needed, enter required command-line arguments. Click Next. Run Installer page, ensure the installation program and command-line parameters are correct, then click Launch Installer and wait for the installation program to run. You have the option of using installers (.exe or .msi), Microsoft Internet Explorer (plug-ins, Web applications, and online updates), selecting folders and files (custom applications), and editing the registry.
After you launch the installer, the
8. On the
9. On the
10. Use the
11. On the
12. Manually save the profile to a network file share. From the
Note that the profile name and manifest name (name.profile) are automatically added to the UNC path, as noted in the Save To address.
Citrix recommends that you test every application before deploying it to users. As you select and test applications for profiling, keep in mind the following compatibility guidelines:
• Some suites of applications, such as Microsoft Office, install Windows Services or drivers that cannot stream to clients. When you profile these suites, the applications run properly on clients, but the features that rely on Windows Services or the drivers do not work.
• Some applications are supported with issues.

Profiler Internals
This section provides in depth information about how the profiler creates a profile. The purpose is to enable administrators to identify objects of interest at the point when profile creation or modification fails.
You can use the profiler to create a streaming application profile (and its initial target), add a target to a profile, delete a target from a profile, update a target, and add updates, patches, additional applications, and so on.
As part of the basic functionality, the profiler can install applications, configure profiles, support Access Management Console functionality, and maintain profile security.
Creating a Profile
A streaming application profile is a collection of client configurations (called
Citrix Application Streaming Internals 8
The following diagram illustrates the flow of profiling.
The profiler wizard guides you through the process of starting the application, running the application in an isolation environment, creating and storing the files, registry changes, isolation environment rules, and manifest file.
targets) and a list of applications that users can execute. In addition, profiles include scripts and other settings that are used in streaming applications to client devices.
Creating Targets
As you create a streamed application profile, you specify client configurations (targets), consisting of the operating systems, service packs, languages, and boot drive, that can access the applications in the profile.
Adding individual targets can simplify application publishing as well as simplify application enumeration. You can configure the same target to run on multiple operating systems (and services packs) and languages. By default, the operating system, language, and boot drive of the profiler workstation are selected, but service packs are not specified.
You need to create different targets for applications that can be used only by specific configurations of operating systems, languages, service packs, and boot drives.
As a best practice, do not target applications to run on operating systems older than the current profiler operating system. To create targets for specific configurations, install the profiler on a matching configuration and create the target.
The client accesses a target based on the client configuration. If the client attempts to launch an application, but cannot access an appropriate target, an error message appears. To avoid this problem, select all the client configurations (operating systems and languages) that need to access the target. If needed, create multiple targets for users of different configurations.

Target Components
A target is a client configuration specified in the profile. Each profile has one or more targets, and each target in the profile is identified by a unique .cab file name. In the profiler, when you click the target, you can see its folders with the installed files, registry data, and isolation environment rules.

Creating the .Cab File
When you save the profile to a network file share, the profile manifest has a .profile file extension, and each target has a unique cabinet (.cab) file. The size of the .cab file is dependent upon the files being compressed and cannot be estimated until actually creating the .cab file. For example, if the files in the profile are mostly text or other highly compressible data, the .cab will be rather small. On the other hand, if most of the files are binaries or other compressed data, the compression ratio will not be as good.

Configuration Options
After creating a profile, you can view and edit some of the properties at the profile level or target level.
To view and modify settings, from the
Edit menu, select Profile Properties or Target Properties, which includes the following tabbed windows: General. Shows profile or target information, including the name, description, operating system configuration, boot drive, language, location on the file share, and dates of creation and last update. Application. Specifies the shortcuts and information for the application in the profile, including the details about their availability in all or selected targets. File Types (profile property only). Specifies the file type associations used in publishing to invoke the profile. This feature specifies automatic detection of file type association (FTA) information added by various application installations in a profile and makes them available for application publishing in the console. Target Operating System and Language (target property only). Specifies the operating systems, service pack levels, and languages selected for the target. User Profile Security (profile property only). Specifies the security level selected initially in the profiling wizard:
o Relaxed security. Allows users to download executable files into the user profile root and run. Pre-launch analysis. Checks for certain applications, files, and registries on the client’s device before running the application. Use this feature to check for certain prerequisites on the client before streaming a profiled application. For example, your application might require the installation of DirectX, a specific version of JRE, or .NET 2.0 on the client. In this case, you can set pre-launch analysis to check for the prerequisite on the client, which allows the application to stream only if the prerequisite is installed. Pre-launch and post-exit scripts. Specifies the scripts to run either before the profile runs or after the profile exits. Use this feature to: Run pre-launch scripts before the first application of a profile is run
Run post-exit scripts after the last application of a profile exits
Specify the order of execution
Specify whether to run inside isolation environment or outside isolation environment Rules (target property only). Governs how the isolation environment functions when running an application on the client. The default rules apply to most applications, and there is usually no need to change the configuration. However, if needed, you can add, modify, or delete the rules. Rules are based on four types: Ignore, Redirect, Isolate, and Strictly Isolate.
Other Configuration Options
The profiler includes the following additional options:
You can change the preferences at any time, and the changes are effective immediately.
Access Management Console can publish profiled applications. Application Discovery automatically detects information in the profiles and makes it available for publishing:
Application shortcuts installed in a profile
In case of Internet Explorer plug-ins and Web applications, Internet Explorer is available for publishing
Manual selection of applications is also supported
File Type Association information added by various application installations in a profile Profile security. Digital signing of profiles is supported to guarantee the integrity and origin of the profile applications. This can be set while profiling or later in the profiler; from the Tools menu, select Sign Profile. Note: For information about securing your deployment, see the Citrix white paper CTX110304 Enhancing the Security of Application Streaming for Desktops, located in the Citrix Knowledge Center. Profiler preferences. After starting the profiler for the first time, you can set profiler preferences that optimize how you create profiles and targets. Preferences save time and improve usability by enabling you to store relevant settings for use in future packaging tasks. To set these default preferences, from the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
o On the Digital Signatures tab, if you are not signing profiles, you can specify not to show the Sign Profile page in the profiling wizards. The manifest is an XML file containing information about the streaming application profile. The profiler creates the manifest during a new profile creation. The profiler uses the manifest to open a streaming application profile. In addition, the Access Management Console accesses the manifest for application publishing, and the Streaming Client accesses the manifest to launch a streamed application.
List of files in profile component:
• Scripts\. This subdirectory contains all the profile-level pre-launch and post-exit scripts for the profile.
• [ProfileName].profile. The .profile file, stored in XML format, contains details about which applications and file type associations exist, as well as which versions of the profile exist.
• [guid]_[version].cab. The .cab file contains all the files for the target, as well as configuration files for the isolation and streaming environment. A profile can have multiple .cab files, each representing a target.
• Hashes.txt. The hashes file contains all the file hashes for the profile, excluding the file contained in the .cab, but including the .cab file. This allows digital signing (verification).
• Icons.bin. Icons are stored in this file for the Access Management Console to display and distribute to the clients.

Manifest File
On the User Profile Security tab, use the check box to select the security level for all profiles and skip the security page in profiling wizards. You can save default security settings you want for all profiles you create.

Enhanced security (default setting). Users cannot launch executing files (such as .exe, .dll, and .ocx) present in the User Profile Root. This setting can prevent malicious code from running.
: When profiling applications that you intend to enable for offline access, create targets for all intended client operating systems to ensure applications can be deployed beforehand correctly on all client computers. For example, if your users have a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit client platforms, create a target for 32-bit platforms and another for 64-bit platforms.

After creating the profile, publish the application in the Access Management Console so that configured users can stream the application to their local desktops and launch it locally or stream it to a server and launch it using a Presentation Server Client connection.
: When running the installer, you can accept the default destination folder or location. The profiler automatically installs the application in an isolation environment on the profiling workstation. Back button is disabled. Do not click Next until the installer finishes. If, after you are sure the application installer is finished, you want to force a virtual restart, before clicking Next, check Perform virtual restart. When you click Next, instead of restarting your profiling workstation, the profiler simulates a system restart. Run Application page, launch the application and enter a license code or accept a license agreement. Select the application and click Run. Additionally, you can add files that the application needs to perform correctly. When the application is fully launched, close it and click Next. Select Applications page, select the application to make it available for you to publish in the Access Management Console. To change the default icon or application name, such as to remove a version number, click Modify, and after making changes, click OK. Click Next to continue. Sign Profile page to sign the profile with a digital signature (optional). By default, the profile is not signed. Click Next. Build Profile page, review profile details and, if necessary, click Back to edit the profile. Click Finish to build the profile with the installed application. When it completes, the new profile appears in the navigation panel in the profiler. Click the tabs to review the information. File menu, click Save as, and enter the UNC path to the file share. The path must already exist on the file share; the profiler cannot create new folders.

Profiling an Application
Profiles created on a Windows 2000 workstation launch best on Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 client desktops Profiles created on an XP workstation launch best on XP and Windows 2003 client desktops Profiles created on a Windows 2003 workstation launch best on Windows 2003 client desktops Add or Remove Programs, manually remove any remaining files. This step is important because if an application’s files exist on the profiling workstation, the profiler detects them and skips them when installing files into an application profile. As a result, the streamed application might fail to launch.
4. Select your preferred language (English, by default) and continue following the instructions in the wizard. The default settings are sufficient for typical installations.
5. After you click
Finish, restart the computer. Add or Remove Programs, select Citrix Streaming Profiler 1.0 for Windows.
Similarly, to uninstall the profiler, from Windows
• The operating system base should be
• Check for files left behind from uninstalled applications. If you uninstalled applications from the workstation using Windows
After the profiling workstation is prepared, insert the Components CD in the CD-ROM drive.

Getting Started: Basic Steps
Citrix Application Streaming Guide included with the Presentation Server documentation.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

XenApp Commands

Acrcfg: Configure auto-reconnect settings.
Use acrcfg to configure Auto Client Reconnect settings for a server or a server farm.
acrcfg [/server:servername | /farm]   [/query | /q]
acrcfg [/server:servername | /farm] [/require:on | off] [/logging:on | off]
acrcfg [/server:servername | /farm] [/require:on | off] [/logging:on | off]
acrcfg [/server:servername] [/inherit:on | off] [/require:on | off] [/logging:on | off]
acrcfg [/?]
The name of a server running Citrix XenApp
Query current settings.
The server to be viewed or modified by the other command-line options. The server specified by servername must be in the same server farm as the server on which the command is run. This option and the /farm option are mutually exclusive. The local server is the default if neither /server nor /farm is indicated.
The options on the command-line after /farm are applied to the entire server farm.
/inherit:on | off
To use the Auto Client Reconnect settings from the server farm, set /inherit to on for a server. To disregard the Auto Client Reconnect settings from the server farm, set /inherit to off. By default, /inherit is set to on for a server.
/require:on | off
If you want users to be prompted for credentials during automatic reconnection, set /require to on. Servers inherit the server farm setting unless /inherit is off. To allow users to automatically reconnect to disconnected sessions without providing credentials, set /require to off. By default, /require is set to off for both a server and a server farm.
/logging:on | off
You can enable logging of reconnections in the Application Event log on a server. Logging can be set only when /required is set to off. Logging is set to off for both servers and server farms by default.
Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
Enabling automatic reconnection allows users to resume working where they were interrupted when an connection was broken. Automatic reconnection detects broken connections and then reconnects the users to their sessions.
However, automatic reconnection can result in a new session being launched (instead of reconnecting to an existing session) if a plugin’s cookie, containing the key to the session ID and credentials, is not used. The cookie is not used if it has expired, for example, because of a delay in reconnection, or if credentials must be reentered because /require is set to on. Auto Client Reconnect is not triggered if users intentionally disconnect.
The Auto Client Reconnect feature is enabled by default and can be disabled using the icaclient.adm file or an ICA file only on the Citrix XenApp Plugin for Hosted Apps or with the Web Interface.
The /require and /logging options are valid with either /server or /farm, but /inherit is not used with /farm. If neither /server nor /farm is selected and the /inherit, /require, or /logging options are used, they are applied to the local server. You can set /require only when /inherit is set to off. You can set logging only when /require and /inherit are set to off. When logging is not valid, it disappears from later queries. A query shows the required setting whether or not it is on.
Settings and values are not case-sensitive.
The following four commands result in the following configurations:
  • Require users to enter credentials when they automatically reconnect to servers configured to inherit farm-wide settings
  • Show the results
  • Allow users to be reauthenticated automatically to the local server and set the server to log plugin reconnections
  • Show the results
C:\>acrcfg /farm /require:onUpdate successfulC:\>acrcfg /farm /qAuto Client Reconnect Info for: Farm-wide SettingsREQUIRE: onC:\>acrcfg /inherit:off /require:off /logging:onUpdate successfulC:\>acrcfg /qAuto Client Reconnect Info for: Local ServerINHERIT:offREQUIRE:offLOGGING:on
Security Restrictions
To make changes, you must be a Citrix administrator with Windows administrator privileges.

Altaddr:  Specify server alternate IP address.
Use altaddr to query and set the alternate (external) IP address for a server running Citrix XenApp. The alternate address is returned to clients that request it and is used to access a server that is behind a firewall.
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set alternateaddress] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set adapteraddress alternateaddress] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete adapteraddress] [/v]
altaddr [/?]
The name of a server.
The alternate IP address for a server.
The local IP address to which an alternate address is assigned.
Specifies the server on which to set an alternate address. Defaults to the current server.
Sets alternate TCP/IP addresses. If an adapteraddress is specified, alternateaddress is assigned only to the network adapter with that IP address.
Deletes the default alternate address on the specified server. If an adapter address is specified, the alternate address for that adapter is deleted.
/v (verbose)
Displays information about the actions being performed.
Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
The server subsystem reads the altaddr settings for server external IP addresses at startup only. If you use altaddr to change the IP address setting, you must restart the Citrix Independent Management Architecture service for the new setting to take effect.
If altaddr is run without any parameters, it displays the information for alternate addresses configured on the current server.
Set the server’s alternate address to
altaddr /set
Set the server’s alternate address to on the network interface card whose adapter address is
altaddr /set
Security Restrictions

App: Run application execution shell.


App is a script interpreter for secure application execution. Use App to read execution scripts that copy standardized .ini type files to user directories before starting an application, or to perform application-related cleanup after an application terminates. The script commands are described below.


app scriptfilename


The name of a script file containing app commands (see script commands below).

Script Commands

copy sourcedirectory\filespec targetdirectory
Copies files from sourcedirectory to targetdirectory. Filespec specifies the files to copy and can include wild cards (*,?).
Deletes files owned by a user in the directory specified. Filespec specifies the files to delete and can include wild cards (*,?). See the Examples section for more information.
deleteall directory\filespec
Deletes all files in the directory specified.
Executes the program specified by the path command using the working directory specified by the workdir command.
path executablepath
Executablepath is the full path of the executable to be run.
workdir directory
Sets the default working directory to the path specified by directory

Script Parameters

A directory or directory path.
The full path of the executable to be run.
Specifies the files to copy and can include wildcards (*,?).
The directory and path from which files are to be copied.
The directory and path to which files are to be copied.


If no scriptfilename is specified, app displays an error message.
The Application Execution Shell reads commands from the script file and processes them in sequential order. The script file must reside in the %SystemRoot%\Scripts directory.


The following script runs the program Notepad.exe. When the program terminates, the script deletes files in the Myapps\Data directory created for the user who launched the application:
PATH C:\Myapps\notepad.exeWORKDIR C:\Myapps\DataEXECUTEDELETE C:\Myapps\Data\*.*
The following script copies all the .wri files from the directory C:\Write\Files, executes Write.exe in directory C:\Temp.wri, and then removes all files from that directory when the program terminates:
PATH C:\Wtsrv\System32\Write.exeWORKDIR C:\Temp.wriCOPY C:\Write\Files\*.wri 
C:\Temp.wriEXECUTEDELETEALL C:\Temp.wri\*.*
The following example demonstrates using the script file to implement a front-end registration utility before executing the application Coolapp.exe. You can use this method to run several applications in succession:
PATH C:\Regutil\Reg.exeWORKDIR C:\RegutilEXECUTEPATH C:\Coolstuff\Coolapp.exeWORKDIR

Security Restrictions


 Auditlog: Generate server logon/logoff reports.
Auditlog generates reports of logon/logoff activity for a server based on the Windows Server security event log. To use auditlog, you must first enable logon/logoff accounting. You can direct the auditlog output to a file.
auditlog [username | session] [/eventlog:filename] [/before:mm/dd/yy] [/after:mm/dd/yy]
[[/write:filename] | [/detail | /time] [/all]]
auditlog [username | session] [/eventlog:filename] [/before:mm/dd/yy] [/after:mm/dd/yy]
[[/write:filename] | [/detail] | [/fail ] | [ /all]]
auditlog [/clear:filename]
auditlog [/?]
The name of the eventlog output file.
Specifies the session ID for which to produce a logon/logoff report. Use this parameter to examine the logon/logoff record for a particular session.
The month, day, and year (in two-digit format) to limit logging.
Specifies a user name for which to produce a logon/logoff report. Use this parameter to examine the logon/logoff record for a particular user.
Specifies the name of a backup event log to use as input to auditlog. You can back up the current log from the Event Log Viewer by using auditlog /clear: filename.
Reports on logon/logoff activity only before mm/dd/yy.
Reports on logon/logoff activity only after mm/dd/yy.
Specifies the name of an output file. Creates a comma-delimited file that can be imported into an application, such as a spreadsheet, to produce custom reports or statistics. It generates a report of logon/logoff activity for each user, displaying logon/logoff times and total time logged on. If filename exists, the data is appended to the file.
Generates a report of logon/logoff activity for each user, displaying logon/logoff times and total time logged on. Useful for gathering usage statistics by user.
Generates a report of all failed logon attempts.
Generates a report of all logon/logoff activity.
Generates a detailed report of logon/logoff activity.
Saves the current event log in filename and clears the Event log. This command does not work if filename already exists.
Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
Auditlog provides logs you can use to verify system security and correct usage. The information can be extracted as reports or as comma-delimited files that can be used as input to other programs.
You must enable logon/logoff accounting on the local server to collect the information used by auditlog. To enable logon/logoff accounting, log on as a local administrator and enable logon/logoff accounting with the Audit Policy in Microsoft Windows.
Security Restrictions
To run auditlog, you must have Windows administrator privileges.

will update the below mentioned commands soon...............

change client: Change client device mapping.
 Chfarm: Change the server farm membership of the server, create an additional farm, and configure a replacement data store.
Ctxkeytool: Generate farm key for IMA encryption.
Ctxxmlss: Change the Citrix XML Service port number.
Dscheck: Validate the integrity of the server farm data store.
Dsmaint: Maintain the server farm’s data store.
 Enablelb: Enable load balancing for servers that fail health monitoring tests.
Icaport: Configure TCP/IP port number used by the ICA protocol on the server.
imaport Change IMA ports.
migratetosqlexpress Migrate the server farm’s data store from a Microsoft Access database to a SQL Server Express database.
query View information about server farms, processes, ICA sessions, and users.
twconfig Configure ICA display settings.